Collection: Carburetors

Carburetors are fuel delivery systems used in older vehicles & some classic cars. They are responsible for mixing air & fuel in the correct ratio before delivering it to the engine for combustion. Carburetors work based on the principle of creating a venturi effect, where the air passing through a narrowed portion of the carburetor creates a low-pressure area that draws fuel from the carburetor bowl. The fuel is then mixed with the incoming air, forming a combustible mixture. Carburetors have various adjustable components, such as the throttle plate, idle speed screw, & mixture screws, allowing fine-tuning of the air-fuel mixture for optimal engine performance. However, carburetors can be less precise than fuel injection systems & may require periodic maintenance & adjustment. Modern vehicles have mostly transitioned to fuel injection systems due to their improved efficiency & precise fuel control. Nonetheless, carburetors remain a nostalgic & popular choice for enthusiasts and collectors of vintage cars.