Collection: Tow Hooks / Straps

Tow hooks or straps are essential accessories used for vehicle recovery & towing operations. They provide a secure attachment point for connecting a tow rope, strap, or chain to a vehicle that needs to be pulled or towed. Tow hooks are typically located on the front or rear of the vehicle & are designed to withstand heavy loads & forces encountered during towing. They are often made of sturdy materials such as steel or high-strength alloys to ensure durability & reliability. Tow straps are made of strong synthetic materials like nylon or polyester & have a high tensile strength to handle the forces exerted during towing. They are designed to stretch slightly to absorb shocks & prevent sudden jolts that could damage the vehicles involved. It's important to use tow hooks & straps that are rated for the specific weight capacity & towing requirements of the vehicle. Additionally, proper attachment & securing of tow hooks or straps are crucial to ensure safe & effective towing. It's advisable to follow the manufacturer's instructions & guidelines for using tow hooks & straps & to inspect them regularly for any signs of wear or damage. Overall, car tow hooks & straps are vital tools for vehicle recovery & towing, providing a reliable means of safely moving or rescuing vehicles in various situations.