Collection: Head Gaskets

Head gaskets are critical components that seal the gap between the engine block & the cylinder head, ensuring proper compression & preventing the leakage of fluids & gases. They are typically made of multi-layered steel or composite materials with rubber coatings to provide durability & flexibility. Head gaskets play a vital role in maintaining the combustion process by sealing the combustion chamber, coolant passages, & oil passages. They also separate the coolant & oil channels to prevent contamination. Due to the high heat & pressure generated in the engine, head gaskets are subject to wear & tear over time. Common signs of a failing head gasket include coolant leaks, oil leaks, overheating, & white exhaust smoke. Timely replacement of a damaged head gasket is crucial to prevent engine damage & maintain the overall performance & reliability of the vehicle. It is recommended to use high-quality head gaskets that are designed for the specific engine make & model to ensure a proper seal & long-lasting performance.