Collection: Fire Walls

Fire walls, also known as bulkheads, are important safety components that separate the engine compartment from the passenger compartment in a vehicle. They are designed to contain & prevent the spread of fire & heat in the event of an engine fire. Car firewalls are typically made of heat-resistant materials such as steel or aluminum & are strategically positioned to provide a barrier between the engine & the occupants of the vehicle. They are also engineered to minimize the transfer of noise, vibration, & heat from the engine compartment to the passenger area, enhancing the overall comfort & safety of the vehicle. Firewalls often incorporate insulation & fire-resistant coatings to further enhance their fire containment properties. Regular inspection & maintenance of the firewall are necessary to ensure its integrity & effectiveness in the event of a fire. It is important to maintain a clear & unobstructed firewall to allow for proper airflow & cooling of the engine. In the event of an engine fire, the firewall plays a critical role in protecting the occupants & allowing them time to safely evacuate the vehicle.