Collection: Oil Filters

Oil filters are essential components of the engine's lubrication system that help remove contaminants & impurities from the engine oil. As the oil circulates through the engine, it can pick up dirt, debris, metal particles, & other contaminants that can negatively impact engine performance & longevity if left unchecked. Oil filters are designed to capture these particles & prevent them from circulating back into the engine. They typically consist of a housing & a filter element, which is made of porous materials such as paper, synthetic fibers, or mesh. As the oil passes through the filter, the filter media traps & retains the contaminants, allowing only clean oil to flow back into the engine. Over time, the filter accumulates debris & becomes less effective, which is why regular oil filter replacement is necessary. A clogged or compromised oil filter can lead to reduced oil flow, increased engine wear, & potentially engine damage. It is important to choose high-quality oil filters that are compatible with the specific vehicle & its oil requirements to ensure proper filtration & engine protection. Regular oil & filter changes are essential maintenance tasks to maintain optimal engine performance & prolong the life of the engine.