Collection: Door LED Projectors

Car door LED projectors, also known as door logo lights or ghost lights, are aftermarket accessories designed to enhance the visual appeal of a vehicle's doors. These small LED lights are installed in the bottom part of the door panel & project a logo or design onto the ground when the door is opened. The projected image can be customized & can include the vehicle's logo, brand name, or any other desired design. Car door LED projectors add a touch of personalization & uniqueness to the vehicle's exterior, making it stand out from the crowd. They also provide practical benefits by illuminating the ground & serving as a guide when entering or exiting the vehicle in dark environments. Installation is relatively straightforward & typically involves removing the door panel & connecting the LED projector to the vehicle's electrical system. Car door LED projectors are available in various colors, brightness levels, & designs, allowing for customization to suit individual preferences. They are a popular accessory among car enthusiasts who seek to add a stylish & eye-catching element to their vehicles.